About Us

” Golden Peacock Real Estate ” under Royal Golden Peacock Co., Ltd. (company registration number – 122084280) has been one of the most well-known and best agent in Myanmar since 2010. Which we offer the properties (eg. houses ,land, condominiums, apartments, warehouses, industrial land, …. ) of selling , buying and renting over 100,000 ++++.

” Golden Peacock Real Estate ” has been chosen by the client for our full service firms, ethics, experiences and expertise (profession). Our abilities in assisting our clients of buying , selling and renting of their properties have given us the loyal repeat customers and customer satisfaction.

As we are the trusted agent of the biggest banks  in Myanmar which are ”  Yoma Bank & KBZ Bank ”  we have the strong brand image of assisting the client for the bank progress for example Home Loan progress.  

We are also the member of Myanmar Real Estate Services Association (MRESA) which is officially recognized as the legally formed organization by the “ Union of Myanmar “ and “ ASEAN Real Estate Network Alliance “. And the member number 0189 of MRESA.


从2010以来,Royal Golden Peacock 公司 Royal Golden Peacock Co., Ltd. 旗下的 “金孔雀房地产 Golden Peacock Real Estate” ( 公司注册号码 102231163)是缅甸最知名最优秀的代理商之一。我们提供的销售,购买和租赁超过100,000 +++ 的房产 (例如:房屋、土地、公管公寓大楼、公寓、仓库、工业用地,等。。)。

“金孔雀房地产 Golden Peacock Real Estate”已被客户选为我们的全方位服务公司,道德、经验和专门知识(职业)。我们协助客户购买,出售和出租物业的能力为我们提供了忠实的回头客和客户满意度。

由于我们是最大的银行“ Yoma Bank Yoma银行”的信托代理商,因此我们拥有强大的品牌形象,协助客户进行银行业务,例如:房屋贷款进展。

我们也是缅甸房地产服务协会(MRESA)的成员,该协会被“缅甸联盟”和“东盟房地产网络联盟”正式认可为合法组建的组织。MRESA(Myanmar Real Estate Services and Association)的会员编号0189。